Ready to binge-watch your way to fundraising success?

Fundraising TV is Your Blueprint
to Fully Funding Your Nonprofit!

Imagine what your life would be like if you had a fundraising plan that actually worked, giving you:

  • Consistent donations to pay for supplies, staff, rent, utilities, and more…

  • Active Board members engaged in advancing the impact and reach of your nonprofit…

  • Teams of volunteers lining up to work with you…

  • Clearly defined next steps so you spend less time second-guessing your next move…

  • And more time to spend doing the valuable work that matters…

The reality is: No matter where you’re at on your journey, building a nonprofit organization isn’t for the faint of heart – it takes a lot of time, energy, and persistence.

But creating a scenario like the one listed above is closer in reach than you may think! We’ve seen it become a reality for hundreds of students in our programs.

If you’re committed to launching and funding a nonprofit that can make a lasting impact on the world, you need to surround yourself with the right community ASAP – lives are depending on you!

You could spend months figuring out the best way to fund your organization for the long-term with little to nothing to show for it.

Orrrrrrr… you can begin writing the success story for your nonprofit.

fundraising donor message

Fundraising TV

A Personalized Fundraising Success Path with Proven
Strategies to Fully Fund Your Small Nonprofit

Fundraising TV is a self-paced online course designed to help new and young
nonprofits create predictable fundraising results – guaranteed.

Throughout the program, you’ll be able to…

What’s Inside:

  • An interactive step-by-step path forward
  • 100+ short, accessible, on-demand video lessons
  • Checklists, cheat sheets, and templates to make fundraising easier
  • 25+ swipe files of fundraising letters, emails, donor appeals, and more
  • 24/7 support through a private Facebook group
  • Exclusive access to fundraising coaches
  • Challenges and prize contests
  • Weekly inspiration to encourage you and transform your nonprofit journey

I am committed to making fundraising simple for you so you can build your knowledge, skill, and confidence FAST!

I’ve been in your shoes.

Nearly 20 years ago, I found myself raising money for a young, growing nonprofit. I didn’t know what I was doing at the time and found myself trying anything and everything to raise money.

Some ideas worked – others didn’t. But because I was committed to the mission, I learned from my mistakes, stepped out of my comfort zone, and kept moving forward.

Within a year, we doubled the size of our donor base and quickly grew our annual revenue to more than $100,000!

My secret? I found a predictable, repeatable process that worked. Since then, I’ve shared it with rescue missions, food banks, kids’ programs, animal shelters, and more – helping others like me raise millions of dollars for their small, young nonprofits.

The truth is: I don’t want you settling because you don’t understand how to raise money. I’m committed to stripping away the overwhelm you feel about growing your nonprofit by giving you the tools, resources, and support you need to produce predictable fundraising results.

Younger organizations tend to skip over what’s hard, but I’ll teach you how to focus on what you NEED to put in place in order to grow your organization in a way that provides you with both a solid foundation and a promising future.

“Fundraising TV paid for itself within 2 months!”

Then we ended the year $30,000 over our goal! A lot went into that but I know the specific, targeted help I got from Fundraising TV helped me focus on exactly what I should be doing and how to get it done. I love the bite-sized guidance on specific issues that show up right when I need it!

– Candi Summers, BESTWA

You can do this if you have the right help.
Let me explain…

Fundraising TV Guide

Your programming to becoming fully funded

As soon as you enroll in Fundraising TV, I’ll ask you to take a short quiz so I can evaluate where you are on your nonprofit journey and recommend the best way forward for you.

I call this way forward your Success Path – a personalized roadmap with step-by-step instructions to guide you toward fully funding your young nonprofit.

The Success Path features 4 distinct stages of growth that every nonprofit moves through as it matures.

Each stage has its own unique set of challenges, and the faster you overcome them, the faster you can move on to the next stage – getting you closer to funding your nonprofit (the ultimate goal)!

Stage 1

Getting Started with
Your Nonprofit

This is the first stage in your fundraising journey and it’s an exciting time for you!

Maybe you already have an idea for a nonprofit or identified a cause you’re passionate about supporting, so what’s next?

In this stage, I’ll show you how to begin taking your idea from a dream to reality using core organization building blocks and by developing foundational nonprofit knowledge.

What you’ll learn:

  • Develop an idea for your nonprofit and how to anchor your plans so it’s something people will want to support
  • Decide when to officially start your nonprofit and what you need to know before you do
  • How to write a mission statement that’s clear, concise, and powerful
  • How to build your first Board of Directors and identify the types of leaders who can make your dream a reality

We’ve gotten terrific ideas we can use immediately for our animal shelter. Fundraising TV has given us a strong knowledge base to FINALLY get our fundraising plan done!”

Sena Fitzpatrick,, Bro and Tracy Animal Welfare

“You can’t sign up fast enough! Sandy over-delivers on her commitment to create a mindset of confidence in raising funds for your cause.”

Kimberly Buffington,, Eden Gives

Stage 2

Building a Solid

Maybe you’re a new nonprofit and ready to generate momentum to help your organization grow successfully. Or maybe you’re an older nonprofit trying
to identify the holes in your systems.

In this stage, you’ll identify and create the processes, systems, and necessary internal structure needed to help you scale your nonprofit with confidence.

What you’ll learn:

  • How to get appropriate registrations so you can legally fundraise for your nonprofit
  • The first 5 key volunteers you need to make your nonprofit a success
  • The critical importance of establishing an accounting system to keep track of income and expenses
  • Logo/branding and what makes your nonprofit stand out
  • The must-haves for your first website
  • How to leverage social media for your cause
  • The ONE THING all Board members MUST do to support your nonprofit
  • How to write your first organizational budget
  • What to look for when choosing Donor Management Software and when to get it

“The knowledge Sandy gives us is invaluable and she gives us plenty of time to pick her brain. I love being able to watch the videos anytime instead of trying to fit them in my schedule. I’ve built my knowledge and my confidence, and I appreciate Sandy and her whole team!”

Rena Smith,, Missionary COGIC Outreach

“These short videos are like just-in-time shipping. I get what I need, when I need it. I can watch the content I want, get the specific info I need, and it doesn’t kill my day. Fundraising is magical when you get it right and Sandy can point you in the right direction.”

Ron Hayman, Sr., , IHonorUSA

Stage 3

Growing Strong

Your infrastructure is in place and working, programs are running, and now you’re focused on raising awareness, raising money, and changing more lives.

Except it’s not as easy as it looks. Raising the money you need takes a lot of work and there’s always something new to learn.

Stage 3 is about putting the elements of donor-based fundraising in place so you can move toward fully funding your operations.

What you’ll learn:

  • How to develop a comprehensive fundraising plan
  • Get your Board engaged in fundraising
  • The importance of developing a donor acknowledgment plan so your thank-yous also build relationships
  • What to include in your e-newsletter so your donors are excited to read it
  • How to get your first 1,000 active donors
  • How to start a monthly giving program
  • Create your first signature event with step-by-step instructions so you don’t miss a thing!
  • Identify and go after best-fit grant opportunities
  • Get your first 10 major donors, mastering mindset, and developing your donor cultivation plan

I brought in more money in the last 3 months than I did in the entire previous year! Working with Sandy and being part of Fundraising TV has taught me so much, but my biggest takeaway is valuing the donor and making everything about them. Fundraising TV is the best decision you’ll ever make for your organization! Sandy is the wisest, most genuine, helpful person you’ll ever know.”

Paweenudh Suanpan,, Piper’s Walk
I’m confident now that I can have donor conversations that convert to donations. Our team raised $13,000 in the last 6 weeks of 2019 which was over 5x what we raised last year! I now know how to tell our story without feeling sales-y and that’s huge for me! I’m confident now that I can have donor conversations that convert to donations. I appreciate Fundraising TV so much – the videos are short and packed with content that I can immediately use and get results with. I always know exactly what to do next and when I complete the tasks, I can see the results in the donations coming in.”
Kimberly Buffington

Stage 4

Getting Fully Funded

By the time you get to stage 4, you’re entering into the land of fully funded operations!

Not only is your nonprofit’s budget fully funded, your fundraising is more sophisticated, you’re segmenting your donor list for appeals, establishing
endowments, fully staffed, and more.

In this final stage of your Success Path, you’ll take your final steps toward fundraising with both a renewed peace of mind and confidence.

What you’ll learn:

  • Where to focus once your budget is fully funded
  • How to establish an endowment to fund future operations
  • What being fully staffed looks like and how to get there
  • Build a development team to help you with fundraising
  • How to get 100% of your Board to help with major gifts
  • How to get planned giving in place
  • Identify when you’re ready for a capital campaign

Fundraising TV is great and provides valuable tips for busy and overworked people. My small nonprofit applied Sandy’s Giving Tuesday campaign recommendations and generated over $1,300. That’s more in one day than we raise in our annual event! Now we’re solidifying our infrastructure and can’t wait to learn what’s next.”

Charlene Farthing, Friends of Russel County Animals

An insane amount of information at your fingertips. Also feels like it’s personalized just for me because of being able to track my progress and mark things completed.”

Becky Roy, Draft Gratitude

Plus, when you join Fundraising TV today,
you’ll get these bonuses:

Complete tasks, earn
rewards, and collect prizes!

I’ve purposely designed Fundraising TV to make raising money for your growing nonprofit FUN and ENGAGING!

When you complete the videos and lessons along your Success Path, you’ll earn rewards. As you collect rewards, you can visit the store in your dashboard and redeem them for locked training videos, exclusive resources, and even time with a fundraising coach!

Try Fundraising TV for 30 days with
our Smart Fundraising Guarantee

You have nothing to lose. My goal is to help remove the frustration and overwhelm so many new nonprofit leaders wrestle with when it comes to fundraising.

Take 30 days to enjoy Fundraising TV watching all the video lessons you want, completing the action items, joining the Facebook group, and getting your most burning questions answered.

If you do the coursework and still don’t feel like you have the knowledge or practical action steps you need to raise more money for your nonprofit, then email [email protected] for an immediate, no-questions-asked refund.

Get Started Today

Ready to rewrite your narrative and lay the foundation for a fully funded nonprofit?

Monthly Subscription

$1950First Month (Then $39/month)
  • Dozens of “How To” videos to guide you
  • Handouts for each video with checklists and templates
  • Show Script for each video so you can read instead of watch
  • 25+ Swipe Files of sizzling hot, real world examples
  • Members-only Facebook group for 24/7 support
  • Weekly inspiration to keep you motivated
  • Success Path to keep you focused and moving forward
  • Access to coaches who care!
  • Games, challenges, and contests just for FUN!

As the Lone Fundraiser for my nonprofit, I was looking for tips, helpful hints, and best practices. And did I find it! Fundraising TV has helped me get a handle on our fundraising and implement strategies to increase our fundraising efforts. The most important thing so far has been the changes we’ve made in donor recognition and retention. We now have a plan for that and are excited to see what happens.

Kelly Bauer, Center for Animal Health & Welfare

When I signed up for Fundraising TV, I was hoping to get practical information, tools, and answers to specific questions about raising more funds for our animal shelter. After being in the program for over a year, I’ve gotten wonderful nuggets of information that I could use right away. I also have used the calendar for my strategic fundraising plan, the core number calculator and I love the videos that I can go back to any time. The Swipe Files are great – lots of examples that help me with ideas and wording!

Liz Pollack

“Overall our group went from raising under $40k per year to over $110k. I attribute a lot of that to things I learned in the program and support on

Connie Cannady, The London Sanctuary

Fundraising TV has more than paid for itself. Using the suggestion about Facebook birthday fundraisers, we have raised an additional 10% so far. I love the Facebook group and being able to get feedback from people who have experience in a particular area.

Karen High, The Project Matters

“I have followed Sandy Rees’ blog for the last 4 years while starting a nonprofit from the ground up. When she presented the idea of Fundraising TV, I jumped at the chance for quick and easy info on the fly and I knew she would pick topics that were relevant to small nonprofits who want to do big things.

And I have found it to be true. I have taken the class on the Fundraising Blueprint but when fundraising TV came up with Core Number info it spurred me to get that done — and I did! We now have a great focus for our fundraiser and know how much we need to raise to keep our programs going and growing.

I have learned about creative donor recognition, and how to diversify funding – which I used in planning with the Board. Sandy presents info in a way that is fun, energizing and exciting. Not only that what pops up in my inbox – but encouraging words every so often just when they are needed. And one of the best parts of Fundraising TV – if I have a crazy question I have not been able to figure out the answer to, NOW I have a whole forum of people to ask and I get answers and perspectives! For the low-cost investment, I have received high impact benefit!

Julia Halvorson, MnCAN

Smart questions people like you ask
before diving into Fundraising TV:

Fundraising TV is designed for you to work at your own pace, which is why so many of our members love it – they can easily fit it into their busy schedules!

You’ll need about 10 minutes to watch each video on your Success Path and about 30 minutes (maybe more) to implement what you learned for each lesson (depending on how fast you work).

You’ll be surprised at how much you can learn in a very small amount of time and you’ll love that you don’t have to carve out an hour for a long, dry webinar!

Some of our bonuses, like 12 Practical Ideas to Quickly Raise $500 PER MONTH for Your New Nonprofit, help you find ways to drum up funding pretty fast. 

However, as with most things, your success is really up to you.

The more videos you watch and the more pieces you put in place, the faster you’ll see big results. Some students get new donors and new donations within a few short weeks – and you can too!

Anytime you spend money on your nonprofit, it’s an investment in yourself and in your nonprofit’s future. 

You only need one extra donation of $40 each month to pay for it. But there are so many good ideas inside that once you start using them, you’ll probably see 10x, 20x, or even 100x that much come in!

Plus, with our Smart Fundraising Guarantee, you have 30 days to decide if it’s the right investment for you.

We have proud members of Fundraising TV who have also been fundraising for over 20 years. While it’s one thing to have the basics of fundraising for nonprofits under your belt, it’s another thing entirely to navigate the constantly evolving landscape of marketing and communications that goes along with it.

Not only are new training videos, swipe files, resources, and cheat sheets regularly added to your Fundraising TV dashboard, our private Facebook group is filled with limitless insight from members and fundraising coaches alike who want to make your nonprofit fundraising journey as pain-free as possible!

Absolutely! Fundraising TV is designed to walk you through creating predictable fundraising results for your young nonprofit, no matter what cause you stand for.  

Plus, with access to our private Facebook group and fundraising coaches, you’ll have a community both eager and willing to help you get your dream off the ground.

We’ve helped ALL kinds of nonprofits get off the ground and become fully funded. If you require financial support to fulfill your organization’s mission, you will benefit from Fundraising TV.

Examples of nonprofits include animal shelters, kids’ programs, human rights organizations, veterans affairs groups, faith-based nonprofits, food banks, and more.

Some of the materials we share in Fundraising TV are specific to the USA, though most will be applicable to nonprofits and NGOs anywhere in the world.

We have many international subscribers and you may even find a new colleague working on the same continent as you! 

Just remember that it’s up to you to know, understand, and comply with all specific and applicable requirements, laws, and regulations for your nonprofit or NGO.

All of the videos in Fundraising TV are professionally produced, pre-recorded, and available to watch at your leisure. After you sign up, you’ll get immediate access to the videos that are perfect for the stage you’re in.

No problem! We can save you a lot of time and frustration by showing you how to do fundraising the RIGHT WAY from the get-go! You won’t have to scour the internet looking for free eBooks, webinars, or other downloadable resources. 

Instead, you’ll have a unique Success Path to guide you forward with the exact training videos and materials needed to help you grow through the first year of your nonprofit and into the future!

We love that you want to get other team members on the same page with you. Definitely share the tools and templates with them so you can work together to grow your nonprofit. But if they want to watch the videos and participate in the Facebook group, we respectfully ask that they get their own subscription.

Once you choose the subscription plan that works for you, enter your contact and payment information on the checkout page.

After you submit your payment, you’ll receive an email with details on how to access your Fundraising TV dashboard and our private Facebook group. Once logged in to your dashboard, you’ll be invited to take a short quiz that will allow us to recommend the best path forward for you and your nonprofit (your personalized Success Path). 

If you don’t get that email, check your spam folder. If you still can’t find it, email us (support[at] and we’ll re-send it. You’ll be able to jump in and get started learning right away!

Fundraising TV is for you if…

There should be no such thing as a struggling nonprofit.

If you’re working early mornings and late nights – borderline hopeless – wondering if you’re actually going to be able to build a financially sustainable future for your new nonprofit, then Fundraising TV was made for you.

I can’t stand to see nonprofits struggle with fundraising and I don’t want you to struggle either. It’s why I’ve dedicated my life to helping people learn how to fund their good cause.

You have the opportunity to change your narrative and create the change you wish to see in the world. Now take it!

Get Started Today

Ready to rewrite your narrative and lay the foundation for a fully funded nonprofit?

Choose the Fundraising TV Plan That’s Right for You

Monthly Subscription

$1950First Month (Then $39/month)
  • Dozens of “How To” videos to guide you
  • Handouts for each video with checklists and templates
  • Show Script for each video so you can read instead of watch
  • 25+ Swipe Files of sizzling hot, real world examples
  • Members-only Facebook group for 24/7 support
  • Weekly inspiration to keep you motivated
  • Success Path to keep you focused and moving forward
  • Access to coaches who care!
  • Games, challenges, and contests just for FUN!

Questions / Comments / Concerns?

Do you have a question or want to speak with us? Call our office at
865-657-9915 during normal business hours (9am-5pm EST, M-F) or
send us an email at support[at]