avoiding trial
and error.
for your
No Money means
No Mission
You rely on donations to operate. If you don’t know
how to find donors or ask for money, fundraising
feels hard and your nonprofit can’t grow.
Founder + ChiefEncouragement Officer
I am committed to making
fundraising simpler for you!
I don’t just care about your fundraising, I care about YOU.
I’ve been in your shoes.
Nearly 20 years ago, I was given the responsibility of raising money for a young, growing nonprofit with an amazing mission. I had no fundraising training and no experience, so I tried anything and everything to raise money. Sound familiar?
Some ideas worked – others didn’t. But, within a year, I doubled the size of our donor base and quickly grew our annual revenue to more than $100,000!
My secret? I found a predictable, repeatable process that worked. Since then, I’ve shared it with other nonprofits like YOURS – raising millions of dollars for good causes.
When fundraising gets easier, you can change more lives.
Plan Your Year.
Never again wonder what you should be doing to raise money.
Lower Your Stress.
Shortcut your path to fundraising success and avoid all the second guessing.
Create Sustainability.
With rinse-and-repeat systems, you can build on your success each year.
So, here’s our plan for YOU…
Evaluate Where You Are.
What’s working and what needs to be strengthened?
Get Your Customized Path Forward.
Find out where you need to focus so you can leverage your opportunities.
Become a Fundraising Super Hero!
Let your confidence and skill guide you along the rest of your fundraising journey.
Get Fully Funded has a proven path to being fully funded for any size organization!
Before working with Get Fully Funded, I was self-funding most of the work we do, with small contributions coming in here and there. Since I’ve been working with Get Fully Funded, I’ve learned powerful and effective ideas for engaging sponsors and gaining new donors and in fun and creative ways. I love the inspiration and accountability they provide, and I’m using the skills, tips, and ideas I’ve gained to get long lasting results.
Get Fully Funded has made a 1000% difference in how I fundraise! EPIC Outreach went from self-funded to fully funded ($153,000), and we’ve been increasing our fundraising amount year to year. Without coaching from Get Fully Funded, I have no idea where EPIC Outreach would be!
Jessie Miller
Executive Director, EPIC Outreach
Jacksonville, FL