media for nonprofit

It’s hard to believe that we’re more than halfway through 2024. As the year winds down, it’s a great opportunity to reflect on your nonprofit’s marketing and communications goals while also identifying what you’d like to accomplish over the next few months and in the new year. No matter the focus, external communications and public relations will play a role in how your organization will achieve those goals for the year ahead and for years to come. This includes securing earned media, and it should be on the priority list for every nonprofit’s communications plan.

I’m a former news anchor turned nonprofit marketing and communications professional who is passionate about helping organizations tell their stories using public relations and storytelling techniques. Through my professional training as a journalist and newsroom leader, I am committed to sharing my insider newsroom knowledge with nonprofits to help them get the attention they deserve from their local media outlets. Here are my top 10 tips for nonprofits that want to secure earned media:

1. Update your website

Your website is often the first place that reporters and journalists will visit when they want to learn more about your organization. You should have an easy-to-navigate website that clearly states your mission, vision, and purpose. Make sure that information is current and includes facts about your impact over the past year. During my years as a local news anchor, I found it to be extremely helpful when a nonprofit has a page on their website dedicated to “press” or “media relations” that includes contact information for journalists.

2. Write blogs

If you don’t already have one, include a blog section on your website. Blogs can be utilized in so many ways. A few ideas include explaining details about your program offerings, sharing impactful success stories, and providing organizational updates. These stories are likely to be shared with your audience, and that can easily attract the attention of local, regional, and even national media. I recommend creating a plan for the entire year with one blog topic idea for each month. This will keep the planning organized while also allowing for some flexibility if adjustments need to be made.

3. Audit your social media

Social media is essential for nonprofits – but it’s important to realize that you don’t need to be active on every platform. Think about your target audience and analyze where they’re spending their time on social media. Journalists rely on social media too for story ideas and content, so be sure to follow pages for local journalists and interact with them regularly. I also suggest that you review analytics of your accounts and look at what types of posts have performed well in the past. Consider using a content calendar allows you to take note of upcoming holidays, awareness days, and national days that are relevant for your sector. These types of topics could also be great story ideas for your local news outlets.

4. Identify a media relations contact

Every nonprofit should have a go-to when it comes to media relations. While this staff member doesn’t always need to be the spokesperson, it is helpful to have all media inquiries and interview requests come through one direct channel of communication. For instance, your marketing director or communications specialist may be your media contact, but the executive director or president/CEO is the one who typically does the interviews. To keep it organized, the media contact is responsible for funneling the requests, coordinating calendars, and providing talking points.

5. Create a media relations policy

A media relations policy is essential for developing relationships with media outlets. Once you’ve identified a media contact, include this in your media relations policy. It should include a statement detailing your commitment to public information and also your expectations of the media when journalists make requests to your organization. Likewise, your policy should also detail what journalists can expect from you such as response time. If you need a template to get you started, I created one that you can check out for free by clicking here.

6. Update your media contact list

The second half of the year is a great time to look at your existing media contact list and update it. If you don’t have one, create one that includes reporters and journalists in your local service area. Most news outlets have their reporters’ contact information on their websites, so take some time and create a detailed spreadsheet with names, titles, emails, and phone numbers. If you plan on sending out holiday greeting cards to journalists in your network, this is a timely reminder to update mailing addresses too.

7. Identify a realistic reporter

Find the individuals who I like to call “realistic” reporters. These are the journalists who are most likely to cover news from your nonprofit because they have a personal connection to your mission. By reading their biographies and looking at their social media, you might be able to catch a glimpse of their personal passions. If you find someone who fits the bill, send them an email to introduce yourself and your organization so you can make that personal outreach and connection.

8. Send a STRONG story pitch

When you have a newsworthy announcement this year, make sure to share it with your local media outlets. From my own personal experience as a local news anchor and reporter, emailing a detailed and impactful story pitch is the best way to get the attention of a busy newsroom. Press releases are great, but story pitches are better. To help, I created the STRONG Story Pitch method which is explained in detail in my book, An Introduction to Media Relations for Nonprofit Organizations. This story pitching framework is a step-by-step formula that nonprofits can use to get the earned media that they deserve.

9. Network in the community

Don’t underestimate the power of in-person, face-to-face networking. Getting involved with professional groups like your local Chamber of Commerce or Better Business Bureau can open the door to endless opportunities. You’ll certainly raise awareness for your mission and you might also meet local businesses that want to partner with you to help raise money or provide much-needed resources. When you share your message with the community in these types of settings, it can quickly get the attention of journalists who are also networking in these groups.

10. Say thank you to local journalists

Journalists have plenty of choices when it comes to working with nonprofits on news stories and articles. They always appreciate hearing “thank you” after a story runs and it will allow your organization to make a positive impression. And that could mean more coverage for you in the future. Come up with a unique way to not only say thank you but also let them know that you value their time and attention given to your nonprofit. From sending a sweet treat or bouquet of flowers to their newsroom, emailing a gift card for coffee, or just sending a thoughtful card, journalists will remember your kindness. Don’t forget the power of a social media or e-newsletter shout-out too.

In an ever-changing media world, nonprofits have to stay relevant with their communications strategies while also looking at new and innovative ways to reach and connect with journalists who cover their community. I sincerely thank you for the important work your organization does and I hope that these tips will help your organization achieve earned media in the years to come.

About the Author

Maria SatiraMaria Satira is an award-winning communications professional, nonprofit marketing coach, author, and speaker with more than a decade of experience in journalism, public relations, and nonprofit marketing. She spent nearly 10 years as a local news anchor and reporter before becoming the director of marketing and communications at an economic development organization. She founded Maria Satira Media to help other nonprofits navigate newsrooms and achieve earned media goals.

As the author of An Introduction to Media Relations for Nonprofit Organizations and founder of Promotions for Good, Maria is passionate about marketing and public relations for nonprofits. She enjoys one-on-one coaching, hosting workshops for groups, and presenting conference sessions across the country to help organizations reach their marketing and communications goals.

Originally from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Maria holds a Bachelor of Arts with majors in Media Arts and Communication from Robert Morris University. She now lives in Greenville, North Carolina with her husband, daughter, and two rescue dogs.