In today’s world, sharing stories with video is absolutely essential. At this point, every single leading social media platform has revamped their algorithm to favor video content over images, carousels, outbound links, and text-heavy posts.

For nonprofits with marketing budgets that can’t rival those of commercial brands, it’s more crucial than ever to optimize your time and energy by generating content that works with these algorithms and grabs attention. Therefore, nonprofit video storytelling is an effective tool to elevate your online presence, build audience trust, and increase engagement on your platforms.

Let’s delve into why it’s essential for your nonprofit to take “video” off the “to-do list” and begin creating impactful visual content now. In this article, we’ll explore some indisputable facts that prove you need video content, our 3 step process to start collecting video content, as well as my top ten tips for filming great videos using nothing more than your smartphone.

Why is Nonprofit Video Storytelling so Important? The Facts:

  • You’ll Raise More Funds: Fundraising campaigns that incorporate video receive 114% more funding than campaigns that don’t, according to Classy.
  • It’s More Memorable: According to the Stanford Graduate School of Business, stories are remembered up to 22 times more than facts alone.
  • It’s What The People Want: In Sprout Social’s most recent report, they found that 62% of users said they’ve become more interested in a product or brand after seeing it in a short-form video.

These are statistics you just can’t ignore! But I also recognize that, as nonprofit professionals, just because we know we should do a task (like sharing video content), it doesn’t always mean we have the strategy to do so.

How Do I Collect Video From My Community? 3 Step Process:

When collecting video content directly from members of your community, it’s essential to have a strategy in place. At MemoryFox, we recommend this simple three step planning process that will guarantee you capture videos that will truly help you meet your video storytelling goals.

Step 1: Establish Your Outputs

  • What goals am I trying to reach through storytelling?
  • What do I want to create with my video content?

Start by determining exactly what your nonprofit is looking to accomplish with video stories. Having a clear vision for how you intend to use the videos you collect is an essential first step to building a collection campaign.

Step 2: Decide Your Inputs

  • What types of stories help me reach my goals?
  • Which individuals have the stories I’d like to capture?

Once you have a clear vision of your outputs, it’s time to consider what inputs best serve you. Make a list of the people in your community who have the types of stories and perspectives you would like to capture. Remember, the people you collect stories from do not always need to be program beneficiaries. Your inputs could involve videos from donors, volunteers, board members, leadership, or staff members!

Step 3: Write Your Calls-to-Action (CTAs)

  • What questions help me collect the stories I’m looking for?
  • What prompts inspire my community to tell their story?

Great questions lead to great responses. Take care to write prompts that will elicit responses that will truly serve your original outputs. Many times, open-ended questions can lead to content that needs clarification or editing to add context. Instead, focus on crafting targeted questions that will lead your storyteller to spark specific answers that are easy to answer in a succinct way.

Check out this three step process as a fill-in-the-blank worksheet (complete with an example!) here.

10 Tips to Take Great Video Using Your Smartphone:

Filming great video content is not just for professionals! With advanced technology at our fingertips and a new-found emphasis on authentic marketing, you don’t need a film degree to create video content your audience will love. Simply use the camera available on your smartphone!

As an avid Instagram and TikTok user, videos that receive the most views, likes and engagement are “selfie”-style, authentic stories with one person speaking directly to the camera. Luckily for you, these are also the most simple videos to film, since it only takes one person to do so! Whether you’re brand new to recording yourself or a seasoned pro, you can take your selfie videos to the next level with the following 10 tips:

  1. Keep it Short: The videos with the most online engagement are 1 minute or less. Think critically about the message you’re planning to share and stay on topic. There is no need to over explain!
  2. Be Specific: Avoid generalizations at all costs. Your personal experience is what makes you unique, and it’s why your organization wants your story. The more detailed your testimonial, the more relatable you are to the audience.
  3. Find Good Lighting: Make sure your light source is located in front of you (not behind) to avoid harsh shadows on your face. Remember, natural light is your friend! Go outside or stand in front of a window for best results.
  4. Consider Your Angles: No one wants to see the bottom of your chin! Filming yourself straight on or slightly lifted and tilted downward will provide the best angle for all shapes of faces.
  5. Be Deliberate With Your Background: There is nothing more distracting than a messy background. Consider a solid background, organized bookshelf or the great outdoors for best results.
  6. Prioritize Crisp, Clear Audio: People are willing to watch a video that’s a bit grainy, but indistinct audio is enough to make someone hit the “X” button within a few seconds. If you’re unsure how you sound – take a test video!
  7. Film Vertically: Unless you’re specifically asked to film horizontally, vertical is the way to go! Vertically filmed videos translate best to Facebook Watch, Instagram Reels, YouTube Shorts & TikTok.
  8. Restate the Question: When answering a prompt, restating the question gives the viewer context without having to read the caption. It also helps your organization organize their videos.
  9. Be Authentic: Don’t worry about saying the “perfect” thing. Your audience wants to see and hear your genuine thoughts and feelings from your distinct point-of-view. The “um”s and “uhh”s are what make you human!
  10. Smile & Relax: Even if your subject addresses an emotional topic, take a deep breath and talk to the camera like you would to a friend. People will be naturally drawn to your warmth and relatability.

Overall, it’s time to shift “video” from the longterm “to-do list” and make it a priority! This 3 step story collection process, followed by these ten tips promise to catapult your nonprofit storytelling and truly make your nonprofit stand out.

About the Author

Memory FoxCarly Euler, Marketing Manager at MemoryFox

MemoryFox brings missions to life with powerful stories collected directly from your community.